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FedEx International Shipping

The customer is responsible for the following brokerage fees upon delivery, plus any additional duties that may be assessed per your country's guidelines.

Export - Entry Preparation Fee EFD

FedEx will apply the following discounted rates on the applicable sending rates.

Value of Goods Incentives
0 - 20 100% Off
20.01 - 200 $4.00 Rate
200.01 - 1,000 $25.75 Rate
1,000.01 - 2,500 $35.00 Rate
2,500.01 and up $51.5 Rate

Entry Preparation Fee CD

FedEx will apply the following discounted rates on the applicable receiving rates.

Value of Goods Incentives
0 - 20 100% Off
20.01 - 200 $4.00 Rate
200.01 - 1,000 $25.75 Rate
1,000.01 - 2,500 $35.00 Rate
2,500.01 and up $51.5 Rate
Accessorials Incentives
Export - FedEx StandardTM Transborder - Duty and Tax Forwarding Surcharge 100% Off
Import - CA COD SurchargeCD 100% Off


1. Incentives are based on and derived from the most recently published Daily Rates and adjusted periodically pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Carrier Agreement. Updated rate charts will be made available to Customer in January of subsequent contract years by contacting your FedEx account executive.

EFD Not available to all countries. For a current list of available countries visit http://www.ups.com/media/en/brokerage_incent.pdf

CD Incentive applicable to charges assed the consignee in the event that the cosignee does not have incentives for the specified fee. Not available to all countries. For a current list of available countries visit http://www.ups.com/media/en/brokerage_incent.pdf

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